The hottest handbags could be found everywhere. A hot handbag doesn't have to be a high-end bag like Louis Vutton or Fendi, it be could a unique, edgy back that you found in small boutique in your neighborhood. I appreciate the handbags that everyone is complimenting but can't find it anywhere.
The best places to find a great handbag without the major price tags.....(drum roll please!)
1. Daffy's:
They have a great handbag selection from European designers that you won't find in major department stores. The best thing about Daffy's is once merchandise is completely sold out, its gone forever, so you don't have to worry about too many carrying the same bag. The prices can range from as little as $30 to $300, so its your call on how much you want to spend.
2. TJMaxx:
Oh how I LOVE TJMaxx, I buy almost everthing in that store-including my handbags. This store is a hit or miss, but when you hit its like the jackpot. They have a lot of designers even the ones you never heard of. The selections are endless from work to evening to casual. I have spent hours just in the handbag section. The prices are always right at TJMaxx, I got a Michael Kors handbag for only $79 with a retail vaule of $300
3. Zara:
Zara is a brand that can carry its own because of its trendy and sexy styles. Their handbags are to die for, they have an edge that can be carried like no other. Once a handbag trend is set in the fashion world, Zara brings it to a whole other level and then some. What I love about Zara bags are the funky colors or the creative functions. Prices can range from $85 to $200.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Handbags Making a Difference
Who says handbags are only made for being a major accessory? Well, Brooklyn bound, Ethopian native Makeda Amha has turned her passion for creating handbags into a worthy cause. She has been designing Makeda Collection NYC since 2007 and accessorizing with non-profit organizations. The goal for the company is to create beautiful handbags and to raise awareness of the social and environmental challenges facing Africa. So far, she has partnered with six non-profit organizations that provide basic needs like water, medicine, education, and cultural and wildlife preservation in Africa.
I just love that handbags are apart of making a difference so a big shout out goes to Makeda. Who would of thought to pair awareness and handbags, serving not only a fashion purpose but for a social purpose.
My fav bag from her collection is this one called the Gojo! Absolutely FIERCE!
I just love that handbags are apart of making a difference so a big shout out goes to Makeda. Who would of thought to pair awareness and handbags, serving not only a fashion purpose but for a social purpose.
To donate to the organizations, support or to browse her collection check out her site:
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